Hacks: rassegna stampa

Hacks: rassegna stampa

Sulla questione delle aggressioni cyber tutti i media continuano a pubblicare segnalazioni e commenti. Di seguito alcuni dei pezzi più interessanti
Sulla questione delle aggressioni cyber tutti i media continuano a pubblicare segnalazioni e commenti. Di seguito alcuni dei pezzi più interessanti

Hacker Fears Seen Slowing Thai ECommerce (Reuters)

Insurance Can Ease Hacking Pain (ZDNet)

Lawyers Foresee Denial Of Service Suits (TechWeb)

Hackers slam ‘web vandals’ (BBC)

Calif. university computer used in hackings (USAToday)

Web site attackers exploited Stanford computers (CNN)

Denial-of-service aftermath (Computerworld)

E-vandalism: A new cybersport? (PCWeek)

Australia gets tough on hackers, online vandalism (NandoMedia)

Did Your Server Help the Cybervandals? (PCWorld)

U.S. Web Probe Seeks German Hacker – Report (Reuters)

Hacker Probe Fixes on College (Wired)

Investigators trace one link in Web site attacks to California computer (NandoMedia)

Hunting hackers: How to fight back (Computerworld)

Real denial-of-service hack victims weren’t Web sites (Computerworld)

Secure or Not, the Internet Has Become a Part of LifE’s Routine (NYTimes)

Clinton calls Web security summit (USAToday)

White House, Industry Wrestle Over Security (TechWeb)

Clinton Sees No Instant Solution to Hacking (InternetNews)

Fbi e Clinton: guerra totale ai cyberpirati (Quotidiano.it)

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Pubblicato il
14 feb 2000
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